How to start using Registration Sheets?

We know that there’s plenty of crucial information that doesn’t come from software or a sensor. That’s where manual registration meets digital. With the Registration Sheets feature, you can easily bring data, collected the low-tech way, straight into the 30MHz platform and interact with that data alongside crop-level data, or data from a climate control system. And, as with all other data in 30MHz, users can share, compare and collaborate with colleagues.

This article contains the following information:
How to navigate to the Registrations Sheets App
How to create a new Registration Sheet
Copy an existing form
How to adjust your Registration Sheets
Add your registration data to your form
Organise your forms in folders

How to navigate to the Registrations Sheets App

Registration Sheets is an app on the 30MHz platform. You can find the app in the main menu under Apps.

How to create a new Registration Sheet

Before you are able to add manual data, you will need to create a form that you can use as base. Let’s start:

  1. Click on + New form
  2. Fill in the form name
  3. Create first column:
    1. Fill in a name
    2. Choose Unit from the list, by clicking on the field.
  4. Click on + Add column to add more columns.
  5. Set your time interval. Options: Does not repeat, Daily or Weekly.
    If you choose Daily or Weekly, each new row will automatically be added to the corresponding interval.
  6. Click on Save and you are ready to use the form!

Copy an existing form

If you created a form that you want to reuse, you can copy this form. The data will not be copied, only the format of the form. Take the following steps to copy an existing form:

  1. Hover your mouse over the form title on the left side of your screen to show the edit button (three dots).
  2. Click on the edit button and click on Copy form and the new form settings will appear on your screen.
  3. Adjust the form name and/or adjust settings from the new form.
  4. Click on Save and you are ready to use the form.

How to adjust your Registration Sheets

It is possible to adjust the name, time interval and columns. Want to adjust your columns? Following options are possible:

  • Adjust the order of your columns by dragging with the two lined toggle.
  • Delete a column by clicking on the red cross button (Warning: your data will be deleted!)

Add your registration data to your form

After creating a form, it is time to fill in your registration data. First we need to create a new row. The rows are presented as date & time.

  1. Click on + New row.
  2. Fill in date and time and click on Save. If you have set a time interval in your form settings, the new row is automatically created with the correct time interval based on the previous row.
  3. Click on a cell and enter the data.
  4. Your data is saved when a confirmation message pops up.
  5. Congratulations! You just have successfully started with your Registration Sheets App.

Organise your forms in folders

If you have a lot of forms, you might like to use folders to organise them. Take the following steps to create a new folder.

  1. Go to Registration Sheets
  2. Click on + New folder
  3. Adjust the title of the folder by hovering over the title of the folder and click on the edit button (three dots).
  4. Click anywhere to save the new name.
  5. You have now added a folder to your Registration Sheets App.

Now it’s time to drag and drop forms to a certain folder. Also use drag and drop to relocate forms from different folders.

You’re all set and ready for the next step! Read here how to visualise your Registration Sheet data. If you need help, click on the Support button and get in touch with us!