Webinar: Sustainable cultivation in horticulture

The Netherlands is considered worldwide as the example of knowledge and innovation in horticultural production, raw materials and food. It is the ideal testing ground to develop new solutions and export them to locations with different climate and market conditions. Rabobank recently published a report that describes what growers can do to reduce the use of chemicals, energy, water, waste and packaging material, through their cultivation methods and through coordination in the chain. Many solutions are small useful steps in the sustainability process. In the long term, far-reaching changes may be necessary to take major steps. That means, for example, radically different cultivation systems and digitisation.

In this webinar, Cindy van Rijswick, expert Fresh Produce at Rabobank, will dive into how innovations in biology and technology can support this process and presents a handy step-by-step plan to get started. Next, Niels Lauwers, Head of Marketing at 30MHz, will link the report to some use cases.