When measuring every minute with multiple sensors and integrating data from several systems, the amount of data in your platform could be a lot. And maybe even be too much to handle for the export functionality within the 30MHz platform. This means that when you would like to export your data, chances are high that you will reach the limit of exporting data at once.
This article contains:
How much data can I export?
How to export data?
How much data can I export?
When exporting data, you will be able to export 10080 records to one file. If you would like to export your data every minute, you will only be able to read out data for 7 days. Of course, when you choose a different time interval, for example, every 5 minutes, you will be able to read out a bigger time span (35 days).
So you can play with the time interval and the time span to export the data that you would like. If you want to export more data than the 10080 records, you can always create multiple exports.
How to export data?
Want to learn how to export data? One of the following articles can help you further:
How to export data from 30MHz
How can I export the data directly from my widget?
How can I export a csv and open it in excel?