How to create a single value widget

Single value widgets show only one value from the selected sensor(s). You create a widget for a single check, or you can create a widget for multiple checks. Single value widgets provide a quick overview of your sensor readings.


Create a single value widget

  1. Go to Dashboard in the main menu.
  2. Choose the Dashboard where you want to add a single value widget to.
    Don’t have a dashboard yet? Read about creating a dashboard here.
  3. Click on the + Add widget button.
  4. Choose a widget type. Read about widget types here.
  5. Select an aggregation method
  6. The two options for aggregating your data:
    1. Show one sensor per widget: create one widget for every sensor you select
    2. Combine sensors and show one value: create one widget for multiple sensors
  7. Select the sensor you want to add data from and click Next.
  8. Adjust all options as you please, preview your widget on the right. If you’re happy, click on + Create.

Voila! Congratulations on creating your first single value widget.